How to build Unreal Engine project from Sublime Text
0. Get this gist:
Build system for ue4 projects for Sublime Text
Build system for ue4 projects for Sublime Text. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

- Put the build system file into
%AppData%\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\BuildSystems
- Add the UE4 project's root folder to the Sublime Text
E.g. the project's folder should be listed as the first one in the side bar - Save the Sublime's project with exactly the same name as the UE4 project file
E.g. if you haveMyProject.uproject
you'll have to save the Sublime's project asMyProject.sublime-project
- Choose the new build system in Sublime Text:
Profit!Now you can build your projects from Sublime!